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Meet Our Team


Let's connect!

Luis Simbaña (he/him)

Treasurer and Founder

Originally from Quito, Luis Simbaña is an economist from the University of British Columbia, and has a master's degree in Economics of Public Policy from the Barcelona School of Economics. Along with his friends, he is co-founder of the Yanapana Project Foundation.
During his student life, he has gained extensive experience in leadership, volunteering, and working with multicultural teams focused on community engagement.
His commitment to providing support to his community and identifying problems led him to develop "Nútrete Ecuador: A Maternal and Child Nutrition Project" as part of his final undergraduate research project. The central idea of this project is now one of Yanapana's pillars.
Recognizing the social and economic difficulties of Ecuadorian families, Luis is committed to supporting Yanapana.

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